Registration for HYSC soccer programs is a simple process that involves a just a few easy steps: Create an account with, add participants to the account, and register participants for a program.
Create an account
An account in our online system is necessary to register and pay for any of the programs the HYSC offers. Registering for an account is a simple process that creates an account for your household, and allows for multiple adult profiles to be created as well as multiple participant (player) profiles. Adult profiles can be used to volunteer for head coaching, assistant coach, or other available volunteer positions. Participant profiles are used when registering for the various soccer programs HYSC offers.
Login to our registration system
Login to our online system at Once you have created an account and are logged in you will see a listing of the participants on your account, your current account balance, open orders and upcoming events.
Account Overview
The landing page for a logged in user is the ‘My Account’ screen. At any time you can tap or click ‘Register Now!’ at the top right of the screen or in the site menu on a mobile device to begin a registration.
Add Participants
Before you can register a player for a program, you must add them to the system as a “Participant”. If you have not yet added any participants, you will be prompted to when you tap or click ‘Register Now!’ or you can add participants tapping or clicking the ‘…’ at the top right of the participants panel, or by simply tapping or clicking ‘Register Now!’. Participants you have created are then displayed in the ‘Participants’ panel with a participant card for each participant.
Available Programs
Once participants are added, a notification button appears on their participant card displaying a number of ‘Programs Available!’. Tap or click the ‘Programs Available’ button to begin the program selection for the player. Choose a program and follow the on screen instructions to register for the program.
Fig.1 - The participants panel
Registration for In-house Programs
Main Page: Registration instructions for in-house programs
In house programs will display a program selection card including the birth year. Programs are designed open to specific birth years to be age appropriate for the participant. Only programs available for the participant are displayed base on their age. After tapping or clicking ‘Select’ on an in-house program card, follow the on-screen instructions to complete a registration for in-house programs. Once at the confirmation screen, the registration is complete and a confirmation email will be delivered to the email address on the account with further instructions.
Registration for the Club Soccer (Travel) Programs
Main Page: Registration instructions for Club Soccer (travel) program
The Club Soccer (Travel) Program option will appear for any participant who is or will turn 7 or older in the upcoming seasonal year. The Club Soccer (Travel) program selection card will display the appropriate birth year for the participant. After tapping or clicking ‘Select’ on the Club Soccer program card, follow the on-screen instructions. There are two parts to the Club Soccer program registration.
Part 1: Register for a Tryout
Select the Club Soccer program for the current seasonal year, and complete the on screen instructions. This includes selecting a team to try out for. If unsure, simply select the team that is birth year appropriate for the participant. There is no fee due at this time, and completing the registration will generate a confirmation email with instructions about tryouts. The next step is to attend your tryout dates.
*If registration occurs after tryouts are held in April/May, please reach out to the Boys Travel Commissioner or Girls Travel Commissioner to arrange a private evaluation or attend a team practice for evaluation.
Part 2: Accept your Roster Slot and Complete Registration
Once teams are chosen or a slot is available to offer to the player, an email will be distributed from the online system indicating that the player is being offered a roster position. Follow the email instructions or login to the online system and the player's profile card will show a notification button to 'Accept or Decline' position. Select 'Accept or Decline Position' in order to begin the checkout process for registration. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration and be registered to the team for the seasonal year.